Monday, December 11, 2006

Do your will and trust with Rockwills

Email Mobile 016-322 3280.
Email Mobile 019-277 6561.

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Hi, my name is Andrew Chia. I am a financial planning consultant. Together with my partner Doris Yap, who is a Professional Estate Planner with Rockwills, we are going to share with you how to get your will and trust done up in the best possible way.

If you have not written a will we are going to share with you why you should do so as soon as possible.


1. You want your loved ones to inherit your assets. If you have assets like property (even though the property may not be fully paid) and you leave without a will the Government will distribute your assets for you according to the law, ie. the Distribution Act 1997 (Amended). It may not be what you want for your loved ones.

2. If you wish to give other instructionssuch as terms of endearment.


A Will is a document that states your wishes and they will come true when you are no longer around.

You have the following BENEFITS when you write your will:-

1. Exercise your right to appoint your choice of executor/trustee/guardian.
2. Decide on who, when and how much to distribute your assets to.
3. Prevent splitting of assets among many beneficiaries.
4. Prevent disputing your money.
5. Ensure faster distribution.
6. Ensure that no surety/guarantor is required.
7. Protect your minor's future, including retarded children.
8. Benefit non-immediate family members, including charity organisations.
9. Save time and cost on obtaining grant of probate.
10. Allow executor/trustee to raise immediate money.
11. Make provisions to settle debts (if any).
12. Include future inherited and acquired assets.
13. Prevent estate from going to government.

There are certain formalities which must be followed in writing a will, such as the fixing of the Testator's (person writing the will) mark as well as attestation of witnesses. These will be explained by Rockwill's Professional Estate Planner. If a Will is not executed properly it may not be valid in the eyes of the law.

Also, if a will in not in good physical condition, ie. if it is torn or mutilated, it will not be recognised by the court. Here, Rockwills provides you with the solution by providing safe custody for your precious will.

A Professional Estate Planner will also explain to you the conditions whereby a will could be automatically revoked after you have written, eg. upon marriage, etc.


We are the pioneers in will-writing, trusts and estate planning.

It is not encouraged to DIY (do-it-yourself) when it comes to your will because you might miss out a lot of important points. This may result in your will being not valid and may cause hardship to your loved ones.


1. How much does it cost to write a will?

Currently, a very basic will costs around RM500. It can go up to RM12,000 (maximum) for more complex and detailed comprehensive will.

2. Are there any other "hidden" costs?

A well-written will that is lost, misplaced or tampered is as good as not having a will at all. You might want to consider safe-custody with us. You have a few packages to choose from; Yearly Custody, Lifetime Custody, or Exclusive Lifetime Custody.

3. What is an Executor? How many executors can I appoint? Can my beneficiary be my executor?

An Executor is someone who does the running around for you when you are no longer around. He needs to go to government departments or banks to get your assets transferred to your beneficiaries. You should have at least 2 Executors (max 4). It is ideal for your beneficiary to also be your Executor because it would be in his interest to get your assets transferred to his name as soon as possible.

An Executor can be a person or a trustee company.

4. Can my executor or trustee abscond with money willed for other beneficiaries?

Of course he can. It is therefore important to select your executor or trustee carefully. Alternatively, you can use a trust company.

5. Do I need to mention my beneficiaries for my EPF or insurance?

No, they are mentioned when you sign up for your EPF or insurance policy and cannot be overridden with a will. However, it is good to include these in your will, just in case they have been left out for whatsoever from their EPF or insurance policies.

I hope the above information is useful to you. If you are qualified to write your will and have not done so, I strongly encourage you to do it immediately.

Email Mobile 016-322 3280.
Email Mobile 019-277 6561.

Take care. Health is wealth.


Rockwills Corporation Sdn Bhd and its associated companies are hereby indemnified and will not be held liable for any lawsuit which may arise from the use, abuse, misuse, negligence, misrepresentation, misappropriation, fraud or any other illegal activities in generated through this blog.


Copyright © Andrew Chia 2008 88070301


Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew, great info about wills.

Anonymous said...

Rockwills is good. Can I get some discount ah?


Anonymous said...

This wills blog not bad...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought this is Rockwills's blog, anyway, it is a good one

Bunny said...

Wah, u two years didn't update ah??
put some trip that rockwills have or put some talk la~ kaka...

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